I want to start by sending love to the couples who have had to postpone their wedding due to this unfortunate time.
With the future still in the unknown, numerous venues and vendors are rescheduling and planning for the coming months. I am venturing into the unknown and working towards setting a date and locking my dream wedding into my future reality.
Through phone calls and video chats, the process is slow and unnerving.
Thus I am taking it upon my self to get some parts of my dream day figured out and designed.
While completing my degree, I had the opportunity to take a few graphic design courses. Practicing this I created a few design ideas for what could be my printed or virtual Save the Date invitations.
Keep in mind the date nor location is confirmed but a girl got to dream.
Let me know what you think and which design excites you the most!






7 & 8.

I like #2 and #3. However the baggage tag seems very fitting for the two of you!
I like #2!
I like #1 notice but with #2 photo